NOW breast cancer bake sale

By Icon NOW

ICON Network of Women (NOW) breast cancer fundraising event

October is breast cancer awareness month. On Wednesday 23 October at 10am in the Cube ICON’s Networking Organisation for Women (NOW) will host a breast cancer awareness Health and Wellbeing event.     

Two guest speakers will share medical and patient perspectives on breast cancer.

GP and broadcaster, Dr Maire Treasa Ní Cheallaigh will explain how to self-check and how mammograms work. Breast lumps and bumps are common, but Dr Ní Cheallaigh will explain why a GP visit is important if you notice a change in your breasts.

Lisa McElwaine, Fundraising and Events Coordinator at the Marie Keating Foundation, will speak of her experience as a breast cancer survivor and BRCA2 gene alteration carrier. Lisa is a peer-to-peer supporter for other BRCA2 gene alteration carriers.

NOW will have a bake sale to fundraise for the Marie Keating Foundation in tandem with the Health and Wellbeing event. Baked goods will be available outside the Cube from 10.30-12.30.  You can pay with cash or donate using the QR code on display.

We’re inviting ICON employees of all genders to show their support by:

       Attending the talk: limited places, first come, first served

       Wearing pink

       Bringing, baking or buying a treat at the cake sale

       Donating to the ICON Marie Keating Foundation fundraising page

Facts about breast cancer in Ireland

       In Ireland breast cancer is the most common cancer in women

       One in ten women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime 

       Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Ireland

       1 in 7 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime

       1 in 728 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer with breast cancer in their lifetime

       Each year about 3,351 cases are diagnosed and unfortunately 728 of those diagnosed will die

       Since 1987 the number of women who have died from breast cancer has decreased by almost a third. In women under 50, that has dropped by almost half.

Join us on Wednesday 23 October at 10am in the Cube to learn more about breast cancer.

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